
I'm Brad from Toronto, Canada.

I've worked as a strategist in corporate sustainability since 2006. Climate Change and Sustainability are my passions.

I like honesty and truth, but what we hear about climate change is anything but truthful. In fact, it's a dangerous fantasy! It diverts our attention away from where we should be focusing…prevention at all costs, and unfortunately preparation of what’s to come. These days I work as a writer and activist to expose the dangerous climate fiction that's peddled as the truth.

Please join me in sharing the truth about our climate emergency!

I try to read every comment. If I clap, that means I did, and that I like it.

I'm on Twitter and Substack too.

Medium member since February 2019
Connect with Brad Zarnett
Brad Zarnett

Brad Zarnett

I expose the climate fiction that’s peddled as the truth, and I work everyday to find a way to prevent the worst of climate change.